Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 44.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Problems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Q.11 A car completes a certain journey in 8 hours. It covers half the distance at 40 km/ph and the rest at 60 km/ph. The total distance of the journey is….

(A) 650 km

(B) 384 km

(C) 400 km

(D) None of these4

Ans .  B

To know more about Ratio and Proportion: ratio-and-proportion-objective-type-question-for-competitive-exam-part-d

Q.12 Two train starts from stations A and B and travel towards each other at speed of 50 km/ph and 60 km/ph respectively. At the time of their meeting, the second train has traveled 120 km more than the first. The distance between A and B is……

 (A) 990 km

(B) 1200 km

(C) 1320 km

(D) 1440 km

Ans .  C

Q. 13 A is twice fast as B and B is thrice as fast as C. The journey covered by C in 54 minutes. Will be covered by B in….

(A) 18 min

(B) 27 min

(C) 38 min

(D) 9 min

Ans .  A

Q. 14 A boy goes to the school from his village at 3 km/ph and returns back 2 km/ph. If he takes 5 hours in all, the distance between the village and the school is….

(A) 6 km

(B) 7 km

(C) 8 km

(D) 9 km

Ans .  A

Q.15 Two stations A and B are 110 km apart on a straight line. One train starts from A at 7 am and travels towards B at 20 km/ph. Another train starts from B at 8 am and travel towards A at a speed of 25 km/ph. At what time will they meet?

(A) 9 am

(B) 10 am

(C) 11 am

(D) 10.30 am

Ans .  B

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Vikram Singh

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