Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Problems on Time and Distance
Q.16 A train starts from A at 4 pm and reaches B at 5 pm, while another train starts from B at 4 pm and reaches A at 5.30 pm. The two trains will cross each other at….
(A) 4.36 pm
(B) 4.42 pm
(C) 4.48 pm
(D) 4.50 pm
Ans . A
Q. 17 A boat moves upstream at the rate of 2 km in 10 min and downstream at the rate of 2 km in 6 min. The speed of the current is…
(A) 4km/ph
(B) 1.5 km/ph
(C) 2 km/ph
(D) 2.5 km/ph
Ans . A
Q.18 River is running at 2 km/ph. It takes a man twice as long to row up as to row down the river. The rate of the man in still water is….
(A) 6 km/ph
(B) 4 km/ph
(C) 10 km/ph
(D) 8 km/ph
Ans . A
Q.19 A boat covers 24 km up streams and 36 km down streams in 6 hours, while it covers 36 km up streams and 24 km down streams in 6 ½ hours. The velocity of the current is….
(A) 1 km/ph
(B) 1.5 km/ph
(C) 2 km/ph
(D) 2.5 km/ph
Ans . C
Q. 20 A man can row three-quarters of a kilometer against the stream in 11 ¼ minutes and return in 7 ½ minutes. The speed of the man in still water is….
(A) 2 km/ph
(B) 3 km/ph
(C) 4 km/ph
(D) 5 km/ph
Ans . D
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