Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 44.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Problems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Q.16 A train starts from A at 4 pm and reaches B at 5 pm, while another train starts from B at 4 pm and reaches A at 5.30 pm. The two trains will cross each other at….

(A) 4.36 pm

(B) 4.42 pm

(C) 4.48 pm

(D) 4.50 pm

Ans .  A

Q. 17 A boat moves upstream at the rate of 2 km in 10 min and downstream at the rate of 2 km in 6 min. The speed of the current is…

(A) 4km/ph

(B) 1.5 km/ph

(C) 2 km/ph

(D) 2.5 km/ph

Ans .  A

Q.18 River is running at 2 km/ph. It takes a man twice as long to row up as to row down the river. The rate of the man in still water is….

(A) 6 km/ph

(B) 4 km/ph

(C) 10 km/ph

(D) 8 km/ph

Ans .  A

Q.19 A boat covers 24 km up streams and 36 km down streams in 6 hours, while it covers 36 km up streams and 24 km down streams in 6 ½ hours. The velocity of the current is….

(A) 1 km/ph

(B) 1.5 km/ph

(C) 2 km/ph

(D) 2.5 km/ph

Ans .  C

Q. 20 A man can row three-quarters of a kilometer against the stream in 11 ¼ minutes and return in 7 ½ minutes. The speed of the man in still water is….

 (A) 2 km/ph

(B) 3 km/ph

(C) 4 km/ph

(D) 5 km/ph

Ans .  D

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Vikram Singh

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