How is Abhishek related to Teji?
6073 162bc162d77dd9d73569d0bf462bc162d77dd9d73569d0bf4Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says. He is the father-in-law of the wife of only paternal grandson of my own father-in-law. How is woman related to man?
5914 05e901d4690613f3f9423a8d9Sushant said, "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother." who is Sushant to the girl?
5857 05ddd1771d20a16466f2daceaGopal said, pointing to Govind “His father is my father's only son ". How is Gopal related to Govind?
4861 05f3541324e31882c043cf2b3In a family, X and Y are sisters. Y is the mother of A. C is the son of A. B is the son of X. Which of die following statements is true?
4850 05ebcdf841c43d211834b9714Deepak said to Nitin, " That boy playing football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father's wife. " How is the boy playing football related to Deepak?
4781 05d9acffb4933793156fc7265G is father than H but not as fat as M. Q is also not as fat as M. Who is the most lean person in the group?
4715 05d91a79dba60a61545bf3970