Find out the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.
1025 05ed74db1ebc5ce408e2e30d0Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. Pick the odd word out.
1024 060487b19f4cbdc23485deb73In each of the following questions, four numbers are given out of which three are like in some manner while one is different. Choose the one which is different from the rest three?
1016 05fc7780ad0af4c56f5e81247In the following question, select the one which is different from the other options.
1013 15f0c0ae9fce671607289be43In the following question, select the one which is different from the other three response.
1010 05f3b7226b46127073f1dff9cThree of the following four number-pairs are alike in a certain way and one is different. Find the odd one out.
1009 05ecdff2887aeb566495703d0