A cube coloured pink on all faces is cut into 27 small cubes of equal sizes. How many cubes are painted on one face only?
1203 05efc2962e824154f40283c29Directions: - After coloring a big cube yellow, it is divided into 216 equal small cubes.
How many small cubes could be achieved with three surface coloured ?
Which number is on the face opposite to 6?
If in a dice it's two opposite surface addition is 7. Which is the right form of this dice shown below?
If a dice are thrown four times and different forms of dice are shown below. In this dice which digit will be on the surface opposite to the digit 2?
How many total numbers of small cubes are there?
934 05ed9a54ff528050f914f8e4b1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have written on surface of dice. Four forms of dice shown below. In this dice which digit will be on the surface opposite to the digit 3?