Three position of a cube are shown below. What will come opposite to face containing ‘5’?
Four forms of a dice are shown below. In this dice which word will be on the surface opposite to the world D?
Directions: - A bigger cubes of 9x9x9 cm size is coloured all surface with green. After that it is cut into three inches small cubes. Give the following answer?
The total number of small cubes are?
Four different positions of a dice are as shown below. What number is opposite to face 3?
Directions: - A cube of 4x4x4cm. side colored with yellow. After that it cut into 1 cm small side cubes. Then answer the following question?
How many total numbers of small cubes are there?
Which of the following cube in the answer figure cannot be made based on the unfolded cube in the question figure?
In a solid cube which is made up of 27 small cubes, two opposite sides are painted red, two painted yellow and the other two with white. How many cubes have two colors?
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