Study the following figures and find out the number opposite to 4.
430 0644810f3cd6ea382cf837f9eStudy the following figures and find out the number opposite to 5.
425 0644810764f5953686feb329cStudy the following figures and find out the number opposite to 6.
626 064480ff19b03af93b70a2c88How many cubes are there which two adjacent sides are coloured with red or with black colour ?
1192 15f5898bf69ed13038c0d4a80A cube is coloured blue on all faces. It is cut into 64 small cubes of equal size. How many cubes have only one face coloured?
1093 062ea73a36f92bf0da7d03e16A cuboid has six sides of different colours. The red side is opposite to black, the blue side is adjacent to white. The brown side is adjacent to blue. The red side is face down.. Which one of the following would be the opposite to brown?
873 062ea7006ceafbe581b77050c