Fill in the Blank Practice Question and Answer
8 Q:In each of the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate your choice for the correct answer.
I make friends ____ I go.
781 0611b7b95dc4e2547a1c936b8
611b7b95dc4e2547a1c936b8- 1moreoverfalse
- 2wherevertrue
- 3howeverfalse
- 4wheneverfalse
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Answer : 2. "wherever"
Q: He is both diligent ______ efficient.
780 062fe05d9a6d1894ab1501102
62fe05d9a6d1894ab1501102- 1alsofalse
- 2butfalse
- 3andtrue
- 4yetfalse
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Answer : 3. "and"
Q: Select the most appropriate words to fill in the blank.
The job offer was too good for Ranjith to ______.
778 0643d450d5e6b046f1b0439e0
643d450d5e6b046f1b0439e0- 1turn fromfalse
- 2turn backfalse
- 3turn offfalse
- 4turn downtrue
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Answer : 4. "turn down"
Q:Fill in the blanks by choosing an appropriate alternative.
The sun rises in the east and………………………….in the west.
774 05e5f5936860fb849c8e909de
5e5f5936860fb849c8e909de- 1is settingfalse
- 2setstrue
- 3setfalse
- 4settingfalse
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Answer : 2. "sets "
Q:Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
Many students do not _____________ attention in botany class.
773 064a69d009a74b54cff5cb3bc
64a69d009a74b54cff5cb3bc- 1exhibitfalse
- 2drivefalse
- 3paytrue
- 4tracefalse
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Answer : 3. "pay "
Q:In each of the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate your choice for the correct answer.
She ___________ a heinous crime.
772 05f3e228351e6542224f75fd4
5f3e228351e6542224f75fd4- 1Committedtrue
- 2Attemptedfalse
- 3Createdfalse
- 4invitefalse
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Answer : 1. "Committed"
Q:Fill in the blanks by choosing an appropriate alternative.
Neither his sister nor his friend………………………….alive.
761 05e5f56d8074319409ea9a744
5e5f56d8074319409ea9a744- 1istrue
- 2werefalse
- 3arefalse
- 4willfalse
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Answer : 1. "is "
Q: Select the correct homonym from the given options to fill in the blank.
The wind________ so powerfully that the door closed.
760 06441310b72ca731a9945fde8
6441310b72ca731a9945fde8- 1bluefalse
- 2blewtrue
- 3blowfalse
- 4bluesfalse
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