General Computer Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which of the following is not an image/graphic file format?
479 064a5278c9a74b54cff57d4b5
64a5278c9a74b54cff57d4b5- 1PNGfalse
- 2GIFfalse
- 3BMPfalse
- 4GItrue
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Answer : 4. "GI"
Explanation :
1. GUI or graphic user interface has nothing to do with graphic files because it is a type of interface that interacts through visual indicators such as graphical icons and secondary notation, unlike text-based interfaces, type command labels or text navigation. Provides facility to do.
Q: A new laptop has been designed that weighs less, is smaller and uses less power than previous laptop models. Which of the following techniques has been used to accomplish this?
445 064a51cb5aa4c004ce31c1c49
64a51cb5aa4c004ce31c1c49- 1Universal Serial Bus Mousefalse
- 2Faster random-access memoryfalse
- 3Blu-Ray Draw Evefalse
- 4Solid state hard drivetrue
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Answer : 4. "Solid state hard drive"
Explanation :
A new laptop has been designed that weighs less, is smaller and uses less power than previous laptop models. Solid-state hard drive technology has been used to accomplish this.
Q: How is the resolution of the screen shown?
486 064a518a1b394764d11b0c155
64a518a1b394764d11b0c155- 1Dotsfalse
- 2Colorsfalse
- 3Pixels per inchtrue
- 4Dot per inchfalse
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Answer : 3. "Pixels per inch"
Explanation :
1. PPI (pixels per inch) refers to display resolution, or, how many individual pixels are displayed in one inch of a digital image.
2. DPI (dots per inch) refers to printer resolution, or, the number of dots of ink on a printed image.
3. The physical size of an image refers to the dimensions in which it will print (ex: 8.5" x 11") or the pixel dimensions of an image displayed on the web (ex: 600 pixels x 800 pixels).
Q: Which of the following is not the same as the other three?
603 064a5111b8c254a4ceacd7955
64a5111b8c254a4ceacd7955- 1MAC addressfalse
- 2Hardware addressfalse
- 3Physical addressfalse
- 4IP addresstrue
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Answer : 4. "IP address"
Explanation :
1. Of all these options, IP addresses are the most important.
2. IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a digital address used to identify a computer or device on the Internet or any other network.
3. IP address is a set of four numbers. It is in this format Is visible in. The set of numbers for an IP address ranges from 0 to 255. That means the IP address ranges from to
Q: A strong password should be:
479 064a50f6eaa4c004ce31bdc50
64a50f6eaa4c004ce31bdc50- 1both uppercase and lowercase lettersfalse
- 2a word that is easy to remember, the name of the petfalse
- 3At least 8 words and a combination of letters, numbers and letterstrue
- 4Your full namefalse
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Answer : 3. "At least 8 words and a combination of letters, numbers and letters"
Explanation :
1. To create a strong password, it can be made up of at least 8 words and a combination of letters, numbers and characters.
Q: What is the full form of USB?
424 064940fd7cae316dfef72362c
64940fd7cae316dfef72362c- 1Universal sequence busfalse
- 2Union sequence busfalse
- 3Universal Serial Bustrue
- 4Universal Serial Bookfalse
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Answer : 3. "Universal Serial Bus"
Explanation :
1. The full form of USB is Universal Serial Bus.
2. USB is a wired device with the help of which you can connect any other device like mobile with laptop, mobile with computer etc.
3. Apart from this, you can also insert a memory card inside the laptop with its help because it is a port in which we can insert things like Pendrive, Card Reader, Data Cable etc.
Q: Which key is used in conjunction with another key to perform a specific task?
486 064940f1bc7d7c7e067178e0f
64940f1bc7d7c7e067178e0f- 1controltrue
- 2spacebarfalse
- 3Arrowfalse
- 4none of thesefalse
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Answer : 1. "control "
Explanation :
1. The Control key, also called the Ctrl key, is a modifier key found on most computer keyboards. It's usually located in the lower left part of the keyboard, next to the Caps Lock and Tab keys.
2. The Control key is used in combination with other keys to perform various keyboard shortcuts. For example, pressing Ctrl+C copies the selected text to the Clipboard, pressing Ctrl+V pastes text from the Clipboard, and pressing Ctrl+S saves the current document.
3. Various uses of control keys-
Ctrl+C: Copy
Ctrl+V: Paste
Ctrl+X: Cut
Ctrl+Z: Undo
Ctrl+Y: Redo
Ctrl+A: Select all
Ctrl+B: Bold
Ctrl+I: Italic
Ctrl+U: Underline
Ctrl+S: Save
Ctrl+O: Open
Ctrl+N: New
Ctrl+P: Print
Ctrl+F: Find
Ctrl+H: Replace
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc opens the Task Manager.
Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete opens the Windows Security screen.
Q: What is a GPU?
819 0640af1f8df653d9ac22e18f9
640af1f8df653d9ac22e18f9- 1Grouped Processing Unitfalse
- 2Graphics Processing Unittrue
- 3Graphical Performance Utilityfalse
- 4Graphical Portable Unitfalse
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