Rajasthan Geography Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: As per census - 2011, the child sex ratio (0- 6 age group) in rural areas in Rajasthan was-
645 062a9ddd14dee44100be74e17
62a9ddd14dee44100be74e17- 1874false
- 2892true
- 3933false
- 4911false
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Answer : 2. "892 "
Explanation :
According to Census 2011, the sex ratio of Rajasthan (0-6) was 888 females per 1000 males. The sex ratio in rural areas (0-6) years was 892 females per 1000 males and the sex ratio in urban areas was 874 females per 1000 males.
Q: As per Thornthwaite's classification, in which of the following climate class, Jaisalmer is located?
644 0632197a808ed0659bb2e5df4
632197a808ed0659bb2e5df4- 1EA'dtrue
- 2CA'wfalse
- 3DA'wfalse
- 4DB'wfalse
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Answer : 1. "EA'd"
Q: Which combination of the following is not correct?
Lift Canal Benefiting Districts
644 06329f61d751e5310a5bc75e8
6329f61d751e5310a5bc75e8- 1Pannalal Barupal - Bikaner, Nagaurfalse
- 2Veer Tejaji - Bikanerfalse
- 3Barkatullah Khan - Jaisalmer, Barmerfalse
- 4Dr. Karni Singh - Hanumangarhtrue
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Answer : 4. "Dr. Karni Singh - Hanumangarh"
Explanation :
Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
Lift Canal Benefiting Districts
(A) Pannalal Barupal - Bikaner, Nagaur
(B) Veer Tejaji - Bikaner
(C) Barkatullah Khan - Jaisalmer, Barmer
(D) Dr. Karni Singh - Bikaner and Jodhpur
Q: The eastern basin is not a part of the plain?
644 061d57f4ce7cc0851e0995257
61d57f4ce7cc0851e0995257- 1chappan basinsfalse
- 2Banas Basinfalse
- 3Chambal Basinfalse
- 4Luni Basintrue
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Answer : 4. "Luni Basin"
Explanation :
1. Eastern Plains Region: Extension - The region situated east of the 50 cm rainfall line in Rajasthan is known as the Eastern Plains Region. This region is formed by rivers, which is why it is called a river basin or region.
2. The eastern plain is mainly divided into three parts.
- Chambal River Basin
- Banas River Basin
- Mahi River Basin
Q: Chanderiya lead-zinc smelter plant is situated at -
643 062f32f2309a97851b630ae30
62f32f2309a97851b630ae30- 1Chittorgarhtrue
- 2Udaipurfalse
- 3Bhilwarafalse
- 4Rajsamandfalse
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Answer : 1. "Chittorgarh"
Q: How many districts were included in 'Intensive Agriculture District Programme' in 1960-61?
643 06411acba86fd416146908739
6411acba86fd416146908739- 17 Districtstrue
- 28 Districtsfalse
- 39 Districtsfalse
- 410 Districtsfalse
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Answer : 1. "7 Districts"
Explanation :
1. In the year 1960-61, seven districts have been covered under the 'Intensive Agricultural District Programme'.
2. This was the first major experiment of the Government of India in the field of agriculture.
3. It was also known as a "package program".
4. This program was started in 1960 after the shine of the community development program had faded.
5. The main objective of this scheme was to provide loans to farmers for seeds and fertilizers.
6. This program was started in collaboration with 'Ford Foundation'.
Q: In which district of the state 'Amagarh Leopard Reserve Area' is located?
643 0630524f4e864816d00475daf
630524f4e864816d00475daf- 1Bikanerfalse
- 2Jaipurtrue
- 3Jodhpurfalse
- 4Barmerfalse
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Answer : 2. "Jaipur"
Q: Which plateau is related to Bijolia farmer?
643 061d573210fa28f69059cfbc9
61d573210fa28f69059cfbc9- 1Mesa plateaufalse
- 2Uppermal plateautrue
- 3Lasadia Plateaufalse
- 4Bhomat plateaufalse
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Answer : 2. "Uppermal plateau"
Explanation :
1. Bijolia farmer belongs to Uppermal plateau.
2. The Bijolia movement was started by the farmers of Mewar state in 1897 AD. This movement was carried out against the imposition of excessive taxes on farmers.
3. The Bijolia Peasant Movement (1897-1941) was the first peasant movement in Rajasthan and lasted the longest.
4. Bijolia is in Bhilwara district and was the Thikana of Mewar state.
5. This movement was mainly against 84 types of taxes which included the Chanwari tax, Talwar Badhai etc.