Rajasthan Geography Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Approximately how much part of the total area of Rajasthan is covered by Thar desert?
515 062a238aa94471d20736ded07
62a238aa94471d20736ded07- 140 percentfalse
- 261 percenttrue
- 367 percentfalse
- 456 percentfalse
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Answer : 2. "61 percent "
Explanation :
According to India, the extent of the Thar Desert in Rajasthan is 62% and 61.11% of the total area of Rajasthan is surrounded by desert.
Q: The 'Central Institute of Arid Horticulture' is situated at:
513 06329f04d4ada076be658072b
6329f04d4ada076be658072b- 1Bikanertrue
- 2Barmerfalse
- 3Jodhpurfalse
- 4Jaisalmerfalse
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Answer : 1. "Bikaner"
Explanation :
The headquarters of the Central Institute of Arid Horticulture is located 10 km away from Bikaner city on National Highway No. 15 (Bikaner-Sriganganagar Road) at 280 North latitude and 730.18 East longitude and 234.84 m above sea level. Above.
1. To conduct plan-targeted basic studies to develop technologies to increase the production and utilization of horticultural crops in dry areas.
2. To act as ‘National Gene Bank’ of dry horticultural crops.
3. To develop effective crop rotation of multiple horticultural crops in dry environment.
4. To act as a 'National Centre' of scientific information related to arid horticulture.
5. To act as 'Human Resource Development Centre' of arid horticulture with the role of main coordinator between State Agricultural Universities and other similar functioning institutions.
6. To provide guiding advice for development and research of dry horticulture.
Q: Which is the driest district in Rajasthan?
513 0635c0fd0ccc75b6782126061
635c0fd0ccc75b6782126061- 1Jodhpurfalse
- 2Jaisalmertrue
- 3Barmerfalse
- 4Bikanerfalse
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Answer : 2. "Jaisalmer"
Q: Which river carries water in Udaisagar lake?
512 062ebd0bd55c5be5841e50231
62ebd0bd55c5be5841e50231- 1Parvatifalse
- 2Kotharifalse
- 3Ayadtrue
- 4Gomtifalse
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Answer : 3. "Ayad "
Q: Which one of the following (Lift Canal Project Drinking water availability area) is not correctly matched?
512 06303b79a2876110d0953ab3d
6303b79a2876110d0953ab3d- 1Kanwar Sen - Bikaner, Ganganagarfalse
- 2Gandheli Sahwa - Churufalse
- 3Gajner/Pannalal Barupal - Bikaner, Nagaurfalse
- 4Rajeev Gandhi - Jaisalmertrue
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Answer : 4. "Rajeev Gandhi - Jaisalmer"
Q: Which of the following (River- Place of Origin) is not correctly matched?
512 0630dbc714e3bf85cbe73e16e
630dbc714e3bf85cbe73e16e- 1Som-Bichamerafalse
- 2Jakham - Chhoti Sadrifalse
- 3Banganga - Sevar Hillstrue
- 4Ruparel - Udainath Hillsfalse
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Answer : 3. "Banganga - Sevar Hills"
Q: Which of the following rivers is the source of water for the Rajasthan Canal?
509 062ed1329ceafbe581b83b121
62ed1329ceafbe581b83b121- 1Gangafalse
- 2Sutlejtrue
- 3Yamunafalse
- 4Ghaggarfalse
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Answer : 2. "Sutlej"
Q: Parwan, Niwaz and Ahu are tributaries of -
509 062f28bd609a97851b62f1821
62f28bd609a97851b62f1821- 1Kali Sindhtrue
- 2Berachfalse
- 3Kotharifalse
- 4Mahifalse
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