"Tomorrow morning the hockey team will report by 9.00 am instead of 8:00 am for practise" said the coach.
I. That day coach had some other work at 8:00 am.
II. They usually assemble for practice.
Direction: - In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Given answer
( a ) If only assumption I is implicit.
( b ) If only assumption II is implicit.
( c ) Either I or II is implicit.
( d ) If neither I nor II is implicit.
( e ) If both I and II are implicit.
It is desirable to put the child in school at the age of 5 year or so.
I. At that age the child reaches appropriate level of development and is ready to learn
II. The school do not admit children after six years of age.
1148 05f6db73bff25c92a085c8e40Statement:
The organization should promote employees on the basis of merit alone and not on the basis of length of services or seniority.
I. Length of service or seniority does not alone reflect merit of an employee.
II. It is possible to determine and measure merit of an employee.
1017 05f6dbd64ff25c92a085cca95What is the most crucial message conveyed in the passage?
India, a member of the WTO, is but of course bound by its agreements and conventions. Article 6 of the Agreement on Agriculture, dealing with the provision of the Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for the agricultural products, is considered to be trade distorting. It is also subjected to various limitations, one of them being the fact that the subsidy arising from ‘minimal supports’ cannot exceed 10 per cent of the value of agricultural production for developing countries. The PDS system in India adheres to the provision of the MSPs and is also involved in the stockholding of the food grains. It is contemplated that in the coming years the subsidy given to the producers will exceed 10 percent of the value of agricultural production.
What is the most crucial message conveyed in the passage?
998 061816460d1d2fd61946d3ce1Statement:
Please do not use lift while going down - an instruction on the top floor of a five-storey building.
I. While going down, the lift is unable to carry any load.
II. Provision of lift is a matter of facility and not of right.
907 05f6dba96ff25c92a085cba84Statement:
The government has decided to disinvest large chunk of its equity in select public sector undertakings for a better fiscal management.
I. The amount generated out of the disinvestment process may reduce sub statically the mounting fiscal deficits.
II. There will be enough demand in the market for the shares of these under takings.
907 05f6dbdf5ff25c92a085cce71