World General Knowledge Questions and Answers

World GK
Q.8 Which was not an Roman Philosopher?
(A) Cicero
(B) Seneca
(C) Lucretius
(D) Octavian
Ans . D
Q.9 Who was among the famous Roman poets?
(A) Tacitus
(B) Plinky
(C) Virgil
(D) Marcus
Ans . C
Q.10 Marco Polo, the Venetian traveller, traveled from Venice to China and Japan in:
(A) 1285 - 90
(B) 1288 - 93
(C) 1290 - 96
(D) 1295 - 1301
Ans . B
Q.11 In which year Bartholomew Diaz reached Cape of Good Hope?
(A) 1480
(B) 1487
(C) 1495
(D) 1500
Ans . B
Q.12 Vasco da Gama reached in India in the year?
(A) 1495
(B) 1496
(C) 1497
(D) 1498
Ans . D
Q.13 Who was the first to sail round the world?
(A) Francis Drake
(B) Columbus
(C) Magellan
(D) Vasco da Gama
Ans . C
Q.14 America was discovered in?
(A) 1491
(B) 1492
(C) 1493
(D) 1494
Ans . B
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