World General Knowledge Questions and Answers

World GK Questions
Q.22 French Revolution was started in the Year?
(A) 1786
(B) 1787
(C) 1788
(D) 1789
Ans . D
Q.23 Young Italy movement by led by two revolutionaries, one was "Mazzini" and Other was?
(A) Garibaldi
(B) Victor
(C) Emmanuel
(D) Louis
Ans . A
Q.24 Rome was liberated by the Italian soldiers in the year?
(A) 1869
(B) 1870
(C) 1871
(D) 1872
Ans . B
Q.25 When did World War 2 start?
(A) 1937
(B) 1938
(C) 1939
(D) 1940
Ans . C
Q.26 When was Bulkan War II fought?
(A) 1912
(B) 1913
(C) 1914
(D) 1915
Ans . B
Q.27 Who is known as Man of Blood and Iron?
(A) Napoleon
(B) Bismarck
(C) Ho Chi Minh
(D) Sir Walter Scott
Ans . B
Q.28 In which year Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany?
(A) 1932
(B) 1933
(C) 1944
(D) 1945
Ans . B
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