IIT JEE Practice Question and Answer
8Q: What is the difference in the shares of profit between P and Q in a joint business at the end of one year ? a. P Invested Rs. 80,000 and withdrew Rs. 20,000 after 6 months. b. Q joined four months after the start of business. c. Q's amount was 80% of P's amount during the last six months. 1520 05b5cc70be4d2b4197774f2dc
5b5cc70be4d2b4197774f2dc- 1Only afalse
- 2Only cfalse
- 3Both a & bfalse
- 4Data is not sufficienttrue
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Answer : 4. "Data is not sufficient"
Explanation :
Answer: D) Data is not sufficient Explanation: a. P's investment = (80000 x 6 + 60000 x 6) = 840000 for 1 month. b & c. Q's investment = 80% of Rs. 60000 for 8 months. = Rs.(48000 x 8) for 1 month = 384000 for 1 month P : Q = 840000 : 384000 = 35 : 16. But, the total profit is not given, so data is inadequate.
Q: Which warship has become the India’s first warship to install solar panels on board ? 1043 05b5cc70be4d2b4197774f2d7
5b5cc70be4d2b4197774f2d7- 1INS Sindhudurgfalse
- 2INS Sarvekshaktrue
- 3NS Vindhyagirifalse
- 4INS Godavarifalse
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Answer : 2. "INS Sarvekshak"
Explanation :
Answer: B) INS Sarvekshak Explanation: Indian Navy’s survey vessel INS Sarvekshak has become the India’s first warship to install solar power system on board. The solar power system works on sunlight and hence is 100% per cent reliable for power source that can be used for communication equipment, battery charging and general lightings onboard round the clock with battery outputs during night. The system is maintenance free.
Q: Which state government has observed “Parents’ Worship Day” on February 14 ? 1346 05b5cc70be4d2b4197774f2cd
5b5cc70be4d2b4197774f2cd- 1Odishafalse
- 2Madhya Pradeshfalse
- 3Assamfalse
- 4Chhattisgarhtrue
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Answer : 4. "Chhattisgarh"
Explanation :
Answer: D) Chhattisgarh Explanation: The 'Parents’ Worship Day' (or 'Matru-Pitru Diwas' ) is celebrated every year by the Chhattisgarh government on February 14 at all schools in the state to teach 'Bharatiya sanskriti' to students.
Q: Find the regular polygon whose interior angel is 150 more than exterior angle. note the total sum of interior and exterior angle should be 180 at one point ? 889 05b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2be
5b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2be- 112false
- 224true
- 336false
- 46false
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Answer : 2. "24"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 24 Explanation: Sum of Interior angle is 180 .and it is given that interior angle is 150 more than exterior,so let exterior angle is x then interior will be x+150 now , interior + exterior =180x+150+x=180x=15 now , number of sides of polygon = 360 / exterior anglen = 360 / 15n = 24
Q: In terms of territorial extent, the largest district of India is located in which of the following states ? 1527 05b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2b9
5b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2b9- 1Rajasthanfalse
- 2Tamil Nadufalse
- 3Jammu & Kashmirfalse
- 4Gujarattrue
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Answer : 4. "Gujarat"
Explanation :
Answer: D) Gujarat Explanation: Kachchh district is the largest in India in terms of territorial extent, located in the state of Gujarat.The second largest district is Leh in Jammu & Kashmir.
Q: A contractor undertook to complete a piece of work in 120 Days and employed 140 men upon it. At the end of 66 days only half of the work was done,so he put on 25 extra men. By how much time did he exceed the specific time ? 2311 05b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2ad
5b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2ad- 12 daystrue
- 23 daysfalse
- 34 daysfalse
- 45 daysfalse
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Answer : 1. "2 days"
Explanation :
Answer: A) 2 days Explanation: work done=total number of person x number of days;half of work done = 140 x 66;For half of remaining work 25 extra men are added.Therefore, total men for half work remaining = 140 + 25 = 165;Let 2nd half work will be completed in K days;140 x 66 = 165 x KK = 122;Hence, extra days => 122-120 = 2days.
Q: What is the sum of all 3 digits number that can be formed using digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 with no repitition ? 1078 05b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2a3
5b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2a3- 128450false
- 226340false
- 332640true
- 436450false
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Answer : 3. "32640"
Explanation :
Answer: C) 32640 Explanation: We know that zero can't be in hundreds place. But let's assume that our number could start with zero. The formula to find sum of all numbers in a permutation is 111 x no of ways numbers can be formed for a number at given position x sum of all given digits No of 1 s depends on number of digits So,the answer us 111 x 20 x (0+1+2+3+4+5) = 33300 We got 20 as follows. If we have 0 in units place we can form a number in 4*5 ways. This is for all numbers. So we have substituted 20 in formula. Now, this is not the final answer because we have included 0 in hundreds place. so we have to remove the sum of all numbers that starts with 0. This is nothing but the sum of all 2 digits numbers formed by 1 2 3 4 5. Because 0 at first place makes it a 2 digit number. So the sum for this is 11 x 4 x (1+2+3+4+5). =660 Hope u understood why we use 4. Each number can be formed in 4x1 ways So, the final answer is 33300-660 = 32640
Q: Maheshwari wants to buy 7 floors in an 68 storied building whose numbering stars from 1 upto 68. But she has to follow certain rules which are as follows : 1) None of the floor should be a prime number 2) None of the digit of the floor should be a prime number 3) Maheshwari cannot buy the 1st floor as it is being assigned to the architect. So how many options are left with Maheshwari to buy the floors ? 1035 05b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2a8
5b5cc709e4d2b4197774f2a8- 111false
- 217true
- 313false
- 419false
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Answer : 2. "17"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 17 Explanation: Since floor starts form the 1 therefore 2 will be the 1st floor.Form 1 to 10 only 4,6,8,9,10 are not prime.Form 11 to 20 only 14 ,16,18 are not prime also non of their digits are prime.From 21 to 30 each number has a prime number so it must no be consider.In between 40 to 49 we have to consider only 40,44,46,48,49.50 to 59 follow either of the condition so we have too neglect it.In between 60 to 68 60,64,66,68.total option = 17.