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In this topic, you are given an uncompleted image with four different images options from which you have to choose one optional image to complete given image according to question. You just need to focus to understand the image and you can obtain good marks on this topic.
Situation reaction test topic is an important topic in verbal reasoning. In this topic, you are given one situation and asked you to choose a suitable reaction for that situation. This topic is not more difficult, you just need to understand this topic.
एनालिटिकल नॉन वर्बल का एक महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक है | इस टॉपिक में आप को एक काम्प्लेक्स फिगर में से जोमेट्रिकल फिगर को काउंट करना होता है। शुरआत में इसके प्रश्न को हल करना थोड़ा कठिन महसूस होता है परन्तु समय के साथ सही अभ्यास किया जाये तो आप इस आसानी से हल कर पाएंगे |
Analytical is an important topic of non-verbal Reasoning. In this topic, you have to count geometrical figure from the complex figure. In the beginning, you will feel difficult to solve analytical reasoning test online questions but if you preparing this topic properly, after some time you will solve easily these type of questions.
Are you preparing for a government job or any competitive exam? If yes, you should boost up your performance by practice of machine input output questions with the other topic questions. Because machine input output reasoning topic is an important topic for competitive exams.
Question-based on ‘Analogy’ are given in two groups. In the first group, two words letters/numbers/symbols are given having a common relationship between them and another group having a word/letter/number and symbol and a question mark.
Missing number is one of the easiest topics in the reasoning section. By these missing number puzzles with answers, you have the full chance to improve your marks in the competitive exam. You just need to understand properly this topic.
Inequality topic is very important in the logical reasoning section. Here are given maths inequality questions for bank exam and other Competitive exams. In these questions, you have to solve the questions according to compare into two quantities.
As you know, reasoning section is getting tough now than before in the competitive exams. To keep in mind same thing, here I am providing you inequality questions in reasoning for bank po and other competitive exams.
If you are preparing for a competitive exam or practice for reasoning section, you can get alphabet test in reasoning questions here. In this topic, you have given a chain of words in the questions and you have to set these words in alphabetical order of dictionary.
The reasoning is the main topic which questions are generally asked in the competitive exams. Students should be must focus on this section. So in this blog, giving you the number analogy practice questions from the analogy chapter's for your practice because the practice is the key to success.
Number analogy is an important topic in the reasoning section. There is a special logical connection between one number to another number. You can easily solve number analogy questions in the competitive exam if you are practice properly.