Indian History GK Quiz Questions

Which local sect did Muhammad bin Qassim get the support of during his attack on Sindh in 712 AD?
(A) Jains
(B) Buddhist
(C) Brahmins
(D) Islam
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
‘Muhammad bin Qasim’ was a young Arab commander. He was sent by Al-Hajjaj, the governor of Iraq, who was also the uncle and father-in-law of Muhammad bin Qasim, to punish Dahir, the ruler of Sindh. Neun was located near Charak, south of present-day Hyderabad in Pakistan. After Deval, Muhammad Qasim proceeded to conquer Neun. Dahir handed over the responsibility of protecting Naun to a priest and called his son Jai Singh to Brahmanabad. The number of Buddhists was high in Neun. He welcomed Muhammad bin Qasim. In this way, without fighting, Mir Qasim gained control over the Neun fort.
Who was the founder of the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty of Ujjaiyani branch in three branches of Gurjara Pratihara dynasty – 'Bhrigukachha Nandipur branch', 'Mahayyapur Medantak branch' and 'The Ujjayini branch'?
(A) Harish Chandra
(B) Nagabhatta
(C) Mihirbhoj
(D) Nagabhatta II
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
'Nagbhatt I' was the first historical man of Gurjara Pratihara dynasty. It was also known as ‘Harishchandra’. He had two wives - one was a Brahmin and the other a Kshatriya. Information is available about him from the Gwalior inscription, according to which he did not allow the Arabs to move beyond Sindh.
The credit for the first imposition of 'Jizya tax' in India is given to Muhammad bin Qasim. Which class did he keep completely free from this tax?
(A) Muslim
(B) Buddhist
(C) Brahmin
(D) low caste people
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Muhammad bin Qasim was the first to impose Jizya tax in Deval of Sindh province in India. After this, the Sultan of Delhi Sultanate who imposed Jizya tax was Firoz Tughlaq. It collected Jizya as a separate tax by taking it out of Kharaj (land revenue). Earlier, Brahmins were kept free from this tax.
Who was the ruler of Sindh at the time of Arab invasion in 712 AD?
(A) Dahiriyah
(B) Dahir
(C) Chach
(D) Rai Daredevil
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Raja Dahir Sen was the last Hindu king of Sindh. It was during his time that the Arabs first invaded India (Sindh) in the year 712.
Which foreign traveler called Gurjara Pratihara dynasty as 'Al-Gajur' and the rulers of this dynasty as 'Baura'?
(A) Suleman
(B) Almasoodi
(C) Alberuni
(D) none of the above
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Alamsoodi 'Alamsoodi' was a scholar and prominent geographer of Arabia. In 915-916 AD, he was a foreign traveler of Baghdad traveling to India. Alamsudi was born in Baghdad in the late 9th century. Probably, Alamsudi came to Gujarat during the reign of Mahipala (910-940 AD), the ruler of Gurjara Pratihara dynasty. He called the Gurjar Pratiharas as 'Algurjar' and the king as 'Baura'.
Which was the oldest city discovered in India?
(A) Harappa
(B) Punjab
(C) Mohenjodaro
(D) Sindh
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
A seal of the Harappan period 'Harappa' is an ancient site on the left bank of the Ravi River in Montgomery district, located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The first information about the ruins in Harappa was given by Charles Mansern in 1826 AD. In 1856 AD, the Brunton brothers clarified the archaeological importance of Harappa. To the south of the general habitation area of Harappa is located such a cemetery, which has been named 'Mausoleum R-37'. Madhoswarup Vatsa initially conducted the excavation here. Later in 1946 Wheeler also excavated here. A total of 57 burials have been found from the excavation here. Bodies were usually buried in a north-south direction, with the head facing north.
Which color was generally used on the Harappan pottery?
(A) The colour red
(B) blue color
(C) pandu color
(D) pink Colour
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Harappan pottery 'Harappa' is an ancient site on the left bank of the Ravi River in Montgomery district, located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Under the direction of John Marshall, in 1921, Dayaram Sahni started the excavation work of this site. In 1946, Martimer Wheeler excavated here to find out the form of rampart for the protection of the western fort mound of Harappa. Copper seals have been obtained from the excavation of Harappa city. The script of the language of this region was pictographic. Elephant, rhinoceros, tiger and bull are inscribed on the seal of Pashupati received from Mohenjodaro. Red color is commonly used on Harappan pottery.
Which Buddhist work is considered as sacred as the Gita?
(A) Native
(B) Dhammapada
(C) Pitaka
(D) Buddhacharit
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The Dhammapada is considered as sacred as the Gita in Buddhism.
What was the other name of Chanakya?
(A) Bhattaswamy
(B) Vishnugupta
(C) Rajasekhar
(D) Visakhadatta
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Chanakya 'Kautilya' or 'Chanakya' or 'Vishnu Gupta' is famous all over the world as a great politician and general secretary of the Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. His personal name was 'Vishnugupt', the local name 'Chanakya' (from Chanakyavasi) and the gotra name 'Kautilya' (from Crooked). Chanakya was the prime minister of Chandragupta Maurya. It is believed that Chanakya was born 370 years before Christ as the son of sage Chanak. He was the teacher of his early days. Some historians believe that Chanak was only his guru. Being a disciple of Chanak, he was named 'Chanakya'.
Charaka and Nagarjuna were the adornments of whose court?
(A) Kanishka
(B) Chandragupta Maurya
(C) Ashoka
(D) Samudragupt
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Kanishka's coin 'Kanishka' was the chief emperor of the Kushan dynasty. He holds a special place in Indian history for his conquests, religious inclination, being a lover of literature and art. The Yuchi caste, which originated from the Yuchi clan, established the Kushan dynasty in India and gave India a great ruler like Kanishka. Not only did Buddhism flourish under Kanishka's patronage, but many famous scholars also took shelter in his court. Apart from Vasumitra, Parsva and Ashvaghosha, the famous Buddhist scholar Nagarjuna was also his contemporary. Nagarjuna has been a famous philosopher of Buddhism and he is considered the originator of the Mahayana sect.