Indian History GK Quiz Questions

In the context of the Indian freedom movement, Usha Mehta is famous for-
(A) For participation in the second round table conference
(B) To run secret Congress Radio at the time of Quit India Movement
(C) For leading a unit of Azad Hind Fauj
(D) For playing a supporting role in the formation of Jawaharlal Nehru's interim government
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
Usha Mehta (25 March 1920 – 11 August 2000) was a Gandhian and freedom fighter of India. She is also remembered for organizing the Congress Radio, also called the Secret Congress Radio, an underground radio station, which functioned for few months during the Quit India Movement of 1942.
Diamond mining is related to?
(A) Fatehpur Sikri
(B) Agra
(C) Golconda
(D) Lahore
Correct Answer : C
Explanation :
Alluvial diamond mining occurs in riverbeds and beaches, where thousands of years of erosion and natural forces such as wind, rain, and water currents wash diamonds from their primary deposits in kimberlite pipes to beaches and riverbeds. Some alluvial deposits are from long-ago rivers.
Given below are the names of kings and kingdoms known from later Vedic literature. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Ajatshatru – Kashi
(B) Ashwapati – Bahik
(C) Parent – Videha
(D) Janamejaya – Kuru-Panchala
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
1. Ajatshatru (c. 493/492 BCE - c. 462/460 BCE) was the second important king of the Haryanka Dynasty, who came to the throne of Magadha by deposing and executing his own father Bimbisara.
2. The Haryana Dynasty (c. 545/544 BCE - c. 413 BCE) came into prominence during the rule of Bimbisara (r. 545/544 BCE - 493/492 BCE), who extended the kingdom through conquests and marriage alliances.
3. The Magadha Kingdom started its expansion from the time of Bimbisara, but Ajatashatru annexed several important and powerful kingdoms in its vicinity – Kosala and Kashi, and then Vrijji and his empire roughly covered the present-day Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh (some minor parts), West Bengal (some major parts), Odisha (some parts) and also some parts of the neighbour countries of Bangladesh and Nepal.
4. Ajatashatru, also known as Kunika, grew up in Rajagriha under the able guidance of his father.
When was the 'Simon Commission' announced?
(A) November 8, 1927 AD
(B) November 10, 1928 AD
(C) November 11, 1927 AD
(D) November 7, 1928 AD
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
In November 1927, the British government appointed the Simon Commission two years ahead of schedule. The commission was strongly opposed by the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress, and prominent Indian leaders including Nehru, Gandhi, and Jinnah, because it contained only British members and no Indians.
Who founded the 'Social Democratic Alliance'?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Bakunin
(C) Mallincouk
(D) George Faikanoub
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
In 1869, August Bebel and Liebknecht founded the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany (SDAP) as a merger of the petty-bourgeois Saxon People's Party (SVP), a faction of the ADAV and members of the League of German Workers' Associations (VDA).
In which period did Confucius live?
(A) Confucius
(B) Han Dynasty
(C) Sui Dynasty
(D) Tang Dynasty
Correct Answer : A
Explanation :
Confucius (551–479 BCE), a scholar and teacher, lived in a chaotic and violent time in China. He wished to see peace and harmony restored and a return to order.
Who among the following gave administrative and financial freedom to the Buddhist monks for the first time?
(A) Gautamiputra Shatkarni
(B) Satvahan
(C) Brihadratha
(D) Yajna Shatkarni
Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The Satvahana Empire or Andhra Empire was a royal Indian dynasty based on Dharanikota and Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh as well as Junnar (Pune) and Prathisthan (Paithan) in Maharashtra. The territory of the empire covered much of India from 230 BCE onward. The Satavahanas were also the first rulers to make land grants to Brahmanas, although we find more instances of such grants being made to Buddhist monks. The Satavahanas adopted a policy of promoting administrative and financial independence.
Who was the author of the play 'Mattavilas Prahasana'?
(A) Joy
(B) Veer Rajendra
(C) Jaidev
(D) Mahendra Varman
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
Mattavilasa Prahasana is a Sanskrit play written by Mahendravarma I. It has been written at the starting of the seventh century in Tamil Nadu.
Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Gulbadan Begum – Humayunnama
(B) Khwand Mir – Qanun-e-Humayunni
(C) Ziauddin Barani – Tarikh-i-Firozshahi
(D) Khwaja Kala – Tajkir-e-Humayun and Akbar
Correct Answer : A
The song "Amar Sonar Bangla", written during the Swadeshi movement of India, inspired Bangladesh in its freedom struggle and was adopted as the national anthem of Bangladesh. Who wrote this song?
(A) Rajinikanth Sen
(B) Dwijendralal Roy
(C) Mukund Das
(D) Rabindranath Tagore
Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
1. Rabindranath Tagore wrote "Amar Sonar Bangla" to inspire the liberation struggle.
2. The song was written in 1905 during the first partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon.
3. This song was meant to rekindle the unified spirit of Bengal, to raise public consciousness against the communal political divide. 4. The first ten lines of this song constitute Bangladesh's national anthem, adopted in 1971 during its liberation war.
5. Rabindranath Tagore was a Nobel laureate for literature and wrote the words and music to India‘s national anthem.