List of Synonyms Words for SSC and Bank Exams

Rajesh Bhatia3 years ago 49.7K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
List of synonyms words

List of synonyms words A to Z:

  31. Audacious: courageous, daring, dauntless, intrepid, rash.

32. Austere: exacting, forbidding, grave, grim, harsh, rigorous, severe, solemn, steer, stringent.

33. Averse: antipathetic, disinclined, hostile, inimical, loath, reluctant, and unwilling.

34. Avid: ardent, eager, fanatical, ferret, passionate, zealous, avaricious, covetous, and insatiable.

(Start From C)

41. Catastrophe: affliction, adversity, cataclysm, devastation, disaster, fiasco, culmination.

42. Chaos: anarchy, bedlam, confusion, disorganization, entropy, tumult, lawlessness.

43. Chastity: celibacy, continence, innocence, modesty, purity.

44. Clan: band, brotherhood, fraternity, gen.

45. Clinch: assure, conclude, confirm, determine, secure.

46. Colloquial: conversational, demotic, every day, familiar, idiomatic, informal, vernacular.

47. Commotion: ado, agitation, bustle, disorder, disturbance, excitement.

48. Complicate: confuse, entangle, involve, muddle.

49. Contour: curve, figure, lines, profile, relief.

50. Creditable: admirable, commendable, deserving, estimable, honorable, and laudable.

51. Crest: apex, zenith, pinnacle, summit, ridge.

52. Culminate: climax, close, conclude, finish.

53. Cynical: sarcastic, scornful, sneering, and distrustful.

                                                         (Start from D)

54. Daunt: dismay, alarm, appall, frighten, intimidate, scare, subdue, terrify.

55. Deed: achievement, act, action, exploit, feat.

56. Deflate: collapse, contract, empty, exhaust, shrink, chasten.

57. Deliberate: cogitate, consult, debate, mediate, ponder, and reflect.

58. Diligent: active, attentive, busy, careful, and constant.

59. Dire: alarming, appalling, awful, catastrophic, cruel, and disastrous.

60. Discreet: careful, cautious, circumspect, diplomatic, judicious, politic, and prudent.

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Rajesh Bhatia

A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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