List of Synonyms Words for SSC and Bank Exams

Rajesh Bhatia3 years ago 49.7K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
List of synonyms words

List of synonyms words A to Z:

61. Dissent: decline, differ, disagree, protest, and refuse, disagreement, discord.

62. Ditch: channel, drain, furrow, trench, discord.

63. Dodge: dent, duck, shift, sidestep, avoid, deceive.

64. Dubious: doubtful, hesitant, uncertain, unconvinced, undecided, unsure, and ambiguous.

65. Dwell: abide, establish, inhabit, settle, sojourn.

(Start from F)

66. Fame: celebrity, eminence, glory, honour, prominence, renowned, repute, stardom.

67. Famine: scarcity, dearth, destitution, hunger, starvation.

68. Feeble: weak, delicate, etiolated, exhausted, infirm, languid, puny, shoplift.

69. Fierce: barbarous, brutal, cruel, dangerous, ferocious, murderous, passionate, and savage.

70. Fishy: doubtful, dubious, funny, improbable, suspect, suspicious, deadpan, dull.

71. Flawless: faultless, impeccable, perfect, and unblemished.

72. Foresee: anticipate, divine, envisage, forebode, portend, predict, prophesy, presage.

73. Fortress: castle, citadel, fastness, redoubt, stronghold.

74. Fraternity: brotherhood, association, company, comradeship.

75. Fretful: captious, complaining, fractions, irritable, peevish, splenetic, and touchy.

(Start from G)

76. Gaiety: animation, blitheness, cheerfulness, elation, exhilaration, glee, humor.

77. Gaudy: bright, brilliant, flashy, florid, garish, glaring, meretricious, showy, vulgar.

78. Gestation: development, evolution, incubation, pregnancy, ripening.

79. Gracious: affable, amiable, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, chivalrous, and cordial.

80. Grimace: face, frown, mouth, scowl, sneer.

81. Grubby: dainty, filthy, frowzy, manky, shabby.

 (Start from H)

82. Haggle: bargain, barter, beat down, dicker, haggle, dispute, quarrel, and wrangle.

83. Haphazard: accidental, arbitrary, chance, fluky, random, aimless, careless.

84. Hatred: abomination, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, enmity.

85. Hectic: animated, boisterous, chaotic, frantic, furious, turbulent, and wild.

86. Hilarious: amusing, comical, convivial, exhilarated, humorous, jolly, jovial, joyful, and joyous.

87. Holocaust: annihilation, carnage, destruction, devastation, massacre.

88. Hurricane: cyclone, gale, storm, tempest, tornado, twister.

(Start from I)

89. Idle: dead, empty, gathering, dust, inactive, jobless, and redundant.

90. Immense: enormous, extensive, giant, gigantic, huge, illimitable, interminable, and jumbo.

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Rajesh Bhatia

A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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