List of Synonyms Words for SSC and Bank Exams

List of synonyms words A to Z:
91. Implicated: incriminated, involved, suspected, under suspicion.
92. Impudence: assurance, audacity, boldness, bumptiousness, insolence.
93. Incense: anger, enrage, excite, aroma, balm, fragrance, redolence, scent.
94. Indent: order, request, dint, nick, notch.
95. Inept: awkward, bumbling, bungling, clumsy, gauche, inexpert, maladroit, and absurd.
96. Insolent: abusive, bold, contemptuous, impertinent, impudent, insulting, rude, saucy.
97. Instigate: actuate, encourage, ferment, impel, incite, influence, provoke, persuade.
(Start from J, K, L, M)
98. Jaunty: airy, breezy, buoyant, carefree, dapper, gay, lively, perky, showy, and smart.
99. Jurisdiction: authority, command, control, influence, prerogative, sway.
100. Keepsake: emblem, favors, memento, relic, reminder, souvenir, symbol, token.
101. Latch: bar, bolt, catch, fastening, lock, snack.
102. Link: component, constituent, division, association, attachment.
103. Meander: ramble, snake, starving, stroll, wander, bend, curve, loop, twist.
104. Melancholy: dejection, depression, despondency, gloom.
(Start from N, O, P, Q)
105. Nostalgic: homesick, longing, regretful, sentimental, and wistful.
106. Obnoxious: abhorrent, abominable, detestable, disagreeable, and disgusting. Hate able, horrid.
107. Onerous: burdensome, crushing, demanding, difficult, exciting, exhausting, and exigent.
108. Paw: grab, handle, roughly, manhandle, maul, molest.
109. Percolate: drain, drip, exude, filter, leached, ooze, penetrate, permeate, pervade.
110. Piety: devotion, dutifulness, faith, grace, piousness, religion, sanctifies veneration.
111. Pudding: dessert, sweet.
112. Quandary: bewilderment, stick, delicate, situation, difficult, dilemma, embarrassment.
113. Quiver: agitate, oscillate, palpitate, pulsate, shudder, tremble, and vibrate.
(Start from R, S, T)
114. Rapt: absorbed, carried away, enthralled, entranced, fascinated, gripped, intent.
115. Reveal: announce, betray, broadcast, communicate, disclose, divulge, impart, proclaim.
116. Rowdy: boisterous, disorderly, loutish, noisy, unruly, uproarious, brawler.
117. Sage: acute, canny, intelligent, judicious, polite, prudent, and sagacious.
118. Scorn: contempt, despite, disdain, disparagement, slight, sneer, curl, condemn.
119. Shake: fluctuate, bump, joggle, jounce, quake, shiver, shudder, totter, tremble.
120. Sinner: offender, reprobate, trespasser.
List of synonyms words A to Z:
121. Snigger: giggle, laugh, smirk, sneer, and titter.
122. Stimulus: encouragement, incentive, incitement, inducement, provocation.
123. Tepid: slightly warm, Luke warm.
124. Timid: afraid, bashful, cowardly, and diffident.
(Start from U, V, W, Y, Z)
125. Unmask: disclose, discover, expose, reveal, and unveil.
126. Urbane: Civil, civilized, cosmopolitan, courteous, cultivated, and debonair.
127. Vehement: ardent, eager, earnest, emphatic, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, fierce, and forcible.
128. Weird: bizarre, creepy, curie, freakish, ghostly, mysterious, queer, spooky.
129. Writhe: content, distant, dark, struggle, thrash, wiggle, twist, wriggle.
130. Yearn: ache, covet, crave desire, hanker, hunger, itch, and languish.
131. Zenith: acme, apex, apogee, climax, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, top.
Ask me in the comments section if you need any synonyms word or list of synonym words. all the best!