II. (Y – 8)2 = 9
343 064e5eb4c60749cb6f2e5f84b64e5eb4c60749cb6f2e5f84bDirections : The bar graph, given here, shows the demand and production of colour televisions of five companies for Diwali season in the year 2009. Study the graph carefully and answer the questions based on the graph.
The ratio of the demand and production of colour televisions of company E is :
341 06460f911f75f230a7a71eb22Find the average of 1.11, 0.01, 0.101, 0.001, 0.11
341 0653f73a04a7ba1cb603ea191A divisor is 15 times the quotient and 3 times the remainder. If the remainder is 40, find the dividend.
340 064ccdc6eb6a5e472e27fc8d7In an isosceles triangle, the measure of each of equal sides is 10 cm and the angle between them is 45°. the area of the triangle is
340 064d2373290a003851dda5a10Direction: Study the following line graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
In the below line graph, the number of animals in two zoo A and B in the years – 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 is given.
If in the year 2005, 35% of animals in zoo-A and 55% of animals in zoo-B are carnivorous, then what is the sum of the number of carnivorous animals in zoo A and B in the years 2005?
340 064e5db5fd928d8b7160df4b6If α, β are the roots of 6x2+13x+7=0, then the equation whose roots are α2, β2 is:
339 0648993babf323e479ab0f41fDirection: Read the following table carefully and answer the following questions:
Find the average male employees of five companies.
339 064d4e32aebd5c3747278ec73