Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 44.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Problems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Q.56 1 row from A to B against the current in 8 hours and from B to A in 2 hrs. If the speed of the river is 9 m/sec, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

(A) 15 m/sec

(B) 12 m/sec

(C) 36 m/sec

(D) 2.25 m/sec

Ans .  A

Q.57 A man rows 27 km with the stream and 15 km against the stream taking 4 hrs. each time. Find his rate per in still water.

(A) 5 km/ph

(B) 3 ¼ km/ph

(C) 5 ¼ km/ph

(D) 5 ½ km/ph

Ans .  C

Q.58 A man starts from B to K, another from K to B at the same time. After passing each either they complete their journey in 3 1/3 and 4 4/5 hrs. respectively. Find the speed of the second man if the speed of the first is 12 km/hrs.

(A) 8 km/hrs.

(B) 10 km/hrs.

(C) 15 km/hrs.

(D) 24 km/hrs.

Ans .  B

Q.59 A is faster than B. A and B each walk 24 km. The sum of their speed is 7 km/hrs. and the sum of time taken is 14 hours. A’s speed is….

(A) 4 km/ph

(B) 3 km/ph

(C) 5 km/ph

(D) 7 km/ph

Ans .  A

Q.60 A powder man set a fuse for a blast to take place in 30 sec. He ran away at a rate of 8 yards per second. Sound travels at a rate of 1080 ft. per sec. When the powder man heard the blast, he had run approximately.

(A) 250 yards

(B) 300 yards

(C) 245 yards

(D) 512 yards

Ans .  C

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Vikram Singh

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