Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 44.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Problems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Q.61 A dog at a point “A” goes in pursuit of a fox 30 away. The dog makes 2 m long leaps and the fox makes 1 m long leaps. At what distance from “A” will the dog catch up with the fox?

(A) 90 m

(B) 60 m

(C) 120 m

(D) 210 m

Ans .  B

Q.62 On reducing my speed to 3 km/ph. I reach office 10 minutes late. I usually travel at 133% of this speed and reach early by the same margin. How far is my office…?

(A) 4 km

(B) 6 km

(C) 3.5 km

(D) 4.5 km

Ans .  A

Q.63 A leaves x one hour before B. B meets A five hours after starting the journey. Had this speed been 20 km/ph more, he would have met A after 1 hour 40 min. Find B’s speed in km/hr.?

(A) 10

(B) 20

(C) 50

(D) 60

Ans .  D

Q.64 A car driving in for passed a man walking at 3 km/hrs. in the same direction. He could see the car for 4 minutes and up to a distance of 100 m. What is the speed of the car?

(A) 4 km/ph

(B) 5 km/ph

(C) 4 ½ km/ph

(D) 6 km/ph

Ans .  C

Q.65 I shall be 40 min late to reach my office if I walk at 3 km/hr. I shall be 30 min earlier. If I walk 4 km/ph. How far I have to walk if my speed is x km/ph and usual time taken is t hrs.?

(A) 15 km

(B) 7 km

(C) 21 km

(D) 14 km

Ans .  D

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Vikram Singh

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