Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

Vikram Singh4 years ago 44.0K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play
Problems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Q.66 A rabbit is ahead of a grey hound by 10 m. The grey hound starts chasing the rabbit making 4 jumps in 3 minutes. The rabbit makes 3 jumps in 2 minutes. If the rabbit covers 1 meter in a jump while the grey hound covers 3 meters in 2 jumps while the grey hound covers 3 meters in 2 jumps. How long does it take before the rabbit is caught?

(A) 10 min

(B) 16 min

(C) 20 min

(D) 30 min

Ans .  C

Q.67 A thin candle 8” long burns at 3” in 2 hrs. and a thick one 5 ½ “long burns in 3 hrs. After what time interval will both be at the same length?

(A) 2 hrs.

(B) 3 ½ hrs.

(C) 3 hrs.

(D) 4 hrs.

Ans .  C

Q.68 In a 1 km race A beats B by 40 meters or 7 seconds. Find the A’s time over the course.

(A) 172 sec.

(B) 150 sec.

(C) 160 sec.

(D) 168 sec.

Ans .  D

Q.69 A and B walk from P to Q distance of 21 km at 3 and 4 km/ph. B reaches Q and immediately returns and meet A at R. Find the distance of A to R?

(A) 16 km

(B) 22 km

(C) 18 km

(D) 20 km

Ans .  C

Q.70 A man travelling from A to B at 3 km/ph takes half an hour rest at B and returns to A at 5 km/ph. Total time taken is 3 hrs. 26 min. Find the distance from A to B.

(A) 6.2 km

(B) 7 km

(C) 5.5 km

(D) 6 km

Ans .  C

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Vikram Singh

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