Microsoft office Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: Which keys combination is used to insert duplicate slide in a PowerPoint presentation?
448 064943fd41a612ce001e3d00f
64943fd41a612ce001e3d00f- 1Ctrl + Xfalse
- 2Ctrl + Nfalse
- 3Ctrl + Mfalse
- 4Ctrl + Dtrue
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Answer : 4. "Ctrl + D"
Explanation :
1. In Microsoft PowerPoint, the Ctrl + D shortcut key inserts a duplicate of the selected slide.
2. Ctrl+D is a keyboard shortcut used in many computer programs to perform various tasks. In a web browser, pressing Ctrl+D adds the current webpage to your bookmarks or favourites list.
3. In Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, pressing Ctrl+D fills a cell and overwrites it with the contents of the cell in a column above it.
Q: When the Tab key is pressed, how many space characters are inserted?
546 064b930272dc867f593041ec1
64b930272dc867f593041ec1- 11false
- 22false
- 33false
- 44true
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Answer : 4. "4"
Explanation :
1. When the Tab key is pressed, 4 space characters are inserted.
2. The following are the tasks performed by the keyboard-
- With its help, alpha-numerical data is easily input into the computer.
- In the absence of a mouse, many of the tasks done by the mouse can be done.
- Through this, commands are given to the computer.
- By using the combination of buttons (shortcut keys) present in it, many operations can be performed, which saves a lot of time.
- Apart from this, tasks like playing games, controlling music etc. can be done.
Q: By using which tab can you add page numbers in an MS-Word 2019 document?
730 163ac0ff5fb04114b2d3b656e
63ac0ff5fb04114b2d3b656e- 1editfalse
- 2formatfalse
- 3inserttrue
- 4Homefalse
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Answer : 3. "insert "
Explanation :
In Microsoft Word 2019, you can add page numbers to your document by using the "Insert" tab. The "Insert" tab contains various options, including the "Page Number" option, which allows you to insert page numbers at different locations in your document.
Q: what is the key combination to open the 'Save As' dialog box in MS PowerPoint?
708 163ac18f54edf0d56992fd856
63ac18f54edf0d56992fd856- 1F12.true
- 2Alt+F then Dfalse
- 3Alt+F then Efalse
- 4Alt+F then Ofalse
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Answer : 1. "F12."
Explanation :
In MS PowerPoint, the key combination to open the 'Save As' dialog box is F12. Pressing F12 opens the 'Save As' dialog box directly, allowing you to save the current presentation with a new name or in a different location.
Q: In Microsoft Excel, a single file or document is called?
693 063bff0cab90600403be5d14f
63bff0cab90600403be5d14f- 1workbooktrue
- 2worksheetfalse
- 3Sheetfalse
- 4None of thesefalse
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Answer : 1. "workbook"
Q: The number of rows in Excel 2003 is ______.
755 063ecd224e6cd351b75fdc8a1
63ecd224e6cd351b75fdc8a1- 165535false
- 265536true
- 365534false
- 465533false
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Answer : 2. "65536"
Explanation :
In Excel 2003, the number of rows is 65,536. Each worksheet in Excel 2003 consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns.
Q: Following are the elements of a chart in MS Excel 2010:
611 0649438a9ab3c5fffc2cd2d6e
649438a9ab3c5fffc2cd2d6e- 1Chart Title, Legend, Data Labelsfalse
- 2Data Points, Data Series, Gridlinestrue
- 3Value Axis, Category Axisfalse
- 4All of thesefalse
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Answer : 2. "Data Points, Data Series, Gridlines"
Explanation :
The elements of a chart in MS Excel 2010 include the following:-
1. Title: The title of the chart, which describes the topic or purpose of the chart.
2. Axis: Lines used to measure data on a chart.
3. Data Series: A group of data points on a chart.
4. Chart Area: The outer area of the chart, including the title, axes, and data series.
5. Legend: Labels used to identify data series on a chart.
6. Gridlines: Lines used to measure data on a chart.
7. Data Labels: Labels used to display the values of data points on a chart.
8. Data Table: A table used to display data from data series below the chart.
Q: Can it be kept in a cell of Microsoft Excel?
454 064b9327c23047f4c71ce4b3b
64b9327c23047f4c71ce4b3b- 1Numberfalse
- 2Textfalse
- 3Formulafalse
- 4All of the abovetrue
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Answer : 4. "All of the above "
Explanation :
Can be placed in a cell of Microsoft Excel.
- Number
- Text
- Formula