Practice Question and Answer


What has been done by changing the name of Udhampur railway station in Jammu and Kashmir?

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  • 1
    Shaheed Bhagat Singh Railway Station
  • 2
    General Bipin Rawat Railway Station
  • 3
    Shaheed Captain Tushar Mahajan Railway Station
  • 4
    Shaheed Ashfaqullah Khan Railway Station
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Answer : 3. "Shaheed Captain Tushar Mahajan Railway Station"
Explanation :

1. Udhampur Railway Station renamed Shaheed Captain Tushar Mahajan Railway Station.

2. Northern Railway has issued a notification to change the name of 'Martyr Captain Tushar Mahajan Railway Station' in honour of the brave army man.

3. Captain Tushar Mahajan was born on May 25, 1987 in Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir.


The Expenditure on advertisement and public relation by an enterprise is a part of its-

319 0

  • 1
    Consumption of fined capital
  • 2
    Final consumption Expenditure
  • 3
    Intermediate Consumption
  • 4
    Fined Capital
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Answer : 3. "Intermediate Consumption"
Explanation :

The Advertisement and public relations of selling expenses are part of intermediate consumption.


The worship of Mothergoddess was related to –

316 0

  • 1
    With the Aryan Civilization
  • 2
    With the Mediterranean Civilization
  • 3
    With the Indus Valley Civilization
  • 4
    With the Vedic Civilization
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Answer : 3. "With the Indus Valley Civilization "
Explanation :

The Worship of Mothergoddess was the specific characteristic of Indus Valley Civilization. Archocology evidences prove this fact.


Read the following passage and answer the questions given after it.

The giraffe is the tallest land mammal alive, its long legs and neck contributing to its impressive stature. Males can be up to 18ft (5.5m tall), females a little less.

In the wild, these beautiful creatures stretch their necks beyond those of antelope, kudu and even elephants to strip leaves from the untouched upper reaches of trees. The French zoologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck is usually credited as the first person to suggest that long necks have evolved in giraffes because they allow them to get to the parts other herbivores cannot reach.

As the giraffe lives "in places where the soil is nearly always arid and barren, it is obliged to browse on the leaves of trees and to make constant efforts to reach them," he wrote in his 1809 book ‘Philosophie Zoologique’. "From this habit long maintained in all its race, it has resulted that the animal's fore-legs have become longer than its hind legs, and that its neck is lengthened."

The English naturalist Charles Darwin also thought the giraffe's extraordinary legs and neck must have something to do with foraging. "The giraffe, by its lofty stature, much elongated neck, fore-legs, head and tongue, has its whole frame beautifully adapted for browsing on the higher branches of trees," he wrote in ‘On the Origin of Species’ in 1859. In short, giraffes' long necks are the result of generation upon generation of repeated stretching and inheritance.

During the dry season when feeding competition should be most intense giraffe generally feed from low shrubs, not tall trees. What's more, giraffes feed most often and faster with their necks bent

Male giraffes often fight for access to females, a ritual referred to as "necking". The rivals stand flank to flank, then start to whack each other with their heads. The top or back of the well-armoured skull is used as a club to strike the neck, chest, ribs, or legs of the opponent with a force capable of knocking a competitor off balance or unconscious. The largest males usually win these battles and do most of the breeding, says zoologist Anne Innis Dagg of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, who has been studying giraffes since the 1950s. "The other giraffes don't get much breeding opportunity." There is also evidence that females are more receptive to advances from larger males.

According to the passage, ‘necking’ is the:

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  • 1
    repeated stretching of the neck
  • 2
    elongation of the giraffes’ neck
  • 3
    breeding by the largest males
  • 4
    fight to woo the females
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Answer : 4. "fight to woo the females"


If a country produces consumer goods only and nothing else, then-

315 0

  • 1
    Standard of living will be highest
  • 2
    The country have certain amount of good
  • 3
    The country will soon become poor if external trade will not happen
  • 4
    The country will gradually become rich if external trade will not happen
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Answer : 3. "The country will soon become poor if external trade will not happen"
Explanation :

If any country will produce only consumer good, then gradually the country will become poor as there will be no exchange of other goods and the economy of that country will highly be affected.


Forced saving refers to-

313 0

  • 1
    Compulsory deposits imposed on income tax payers
  • 2
    Provident fund contribution of private sector employees
  • 3
    Reduction of consumption consequent to a rise in price
  • 4
    Taxes on individual income and wealth
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Answer : 3. "Reduction of consumption consequent to a rise in price"
Explanation :

According to Nobel Prize winner Frederick Wan, Forced Saving in an economic situation in which consumer spend less than their disposable income, not because they want to save but because the goods they seek are not avoidable or because goods are too expensive.


The Census of Indian agriculture is done by–

313 0

  • 1
    Production Method
  • 2
    Income Method
  • 3
    Expenditure Method
  • 4
    Consumption Method
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Answer : 1. "Production Method "
Explanation :

Under the consideration of India economy, census of agriculture, is done by production method.


Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.

If you’re concerned that automation and artificial intelligence are going to disrupt the economy over the next decade, join the club. But while policymakers and academics agree there’ll be significant disruption, they differ about its impact.

On one hand, techno-pessimists argue that new forms of automation will displace most jobs without creating new ones. In other words, most of us will lose our jobs. On the flip side of the debate, techno-optimists contend that continued investments in education and research and development will offset the job losses and generate many new human tasks that complement AI.

Researchers have been studying jobs that involve digital skills for years to try to understand their merit. But what does it really mean for a job or skill to be “digital”?

In earlier research, all it meant was that a worker used a computer. Since nearly all workers use a PC today, we need a more refined definition of digital skills that takes into account how much a job depends on doing things like programming, crunching data in Excel spreadsheets and even using a smartphone.

In a particular research, a new way was created to measure digital or information technology skills in the labour market based on how frequently they’re used in an occupation. For example, how much time does a financial adviser spend analyzing data or an event planner use a computer?

It was found that workers in occupations that rank higher in IT industry earn more than demographically similar peers in other occupations – and that this earnings gap has been growing. Not only that, but it was also found something interesting on the impact of a college degree on the lifetime earnings of a person in IT industry. Historically, workers with a college degree have earned a lot more than peers without one. Even the level of the college makes a difference. Recent research has shown that this so-called college premium has been flattening. The main cause, according to the analysis, is that the college premium for occupations requiring fewer digital skills has been declining, while it has been rising for those we identified as digital jobs such as software developers, programmers and aerospace engineering. At least some of the flattening in the college premium is due to the increasing number of bachelor’s degrees that convey few skills that are valued in the marketplace.

Another research compares the measures of job quality – such as a sense of purpose, enjoyability and career advancement – with income, occupations and a range of demographic characteristics. It found that jobs that require greater interaction with technology tended to score higher in quality, particularly in terms of measures like career advancement.

The fact that these jobs not only pay more but also provide greater levels of employee satisfaction and engagement paints a more optimistic picture about the future of work. And that gives hope, particularly since the digital economy is growing at a pace nearly four times faster than the broader economy.

The key is making tomorrow’s jobs “robot-proof” by designing them in a way that takes advantage of the digital skills described above. And universities must play a big role in this by identifying what a good job looks like and ensuring future generations learn the necessary skills.

According to the passage, why are some people concerned with the ongoing transformation of the economy brought by the use of automation and AI?

311 0

  • 1
    In the labour market, opportunities for acquiring skills for handling automated machines are scant.
  • 2
    More automation will mean lesser requirement of manual labour and thus will result in loss of jobs.
  • 3
    People do not find it enjoyable to expand their knowledge base and avoid embracing new technology.
  • 4
    It is not possible for automated machines to do all the jobs currently being done by manual labour.
  • 5
    Products produced by automated machines driven by AI are cheaper and more in demand.
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Answer : 2. "More automation will mean lesser requirement of manual labour and thus will result in loss of jobs."

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