Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: The Expenditure on advertisement and public relation by an enterprise is a part of its-
309 06511562110a18f5082fb17d4
6511562110a18f5082fb17d4- 1Consumption of fined capitalfalse
- 2Final consumption Expenditurefalse
- 3Intermediate Consumptiontrue
- 4Fined Capitalfalse
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Answer : 3. "Intermediate Consumption"
Explanation :
The Advertisement and public relations of selling expenses are part of intermediate consumption.
Q: The worship of Mothergoddess was related to –
309 06528f5e75db74b27f7d876f5
6528f5e75db74b27f7d876f5- 1With the Aryan Civilizationfalse
- 2With the Mediterranean Civilizationfalse
- 3With the Indus Valley Civilizationtrue
- 4With the Vedic Civilizationfalse
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Answer : 3. "With the Indus Valley Civilization "
Explanation :
The Worship of Mothergoddess was the specific characteristic of Indus Valley Civilization. Archocology evidences prove this fact.
Q: In which year Budha died-
305 0651584587cef9d502473c037
651584587cef9d502473c037- 1483 B.C.true
- 2438 B.C.false
- 3453 B.C.false
- 4468 B.C.false
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Answer : 1. "483 B.C. "
Explanation :
Gautam Buddha died at Kushinagar in 483 B.C., this is called Mahaparinirvana in Buddism.
Q: GDP is what percent of Fiscal deficit?
304 06511597ccb11fc5036e368e9
6511597ccb11fc5036e368e9- 17false
- 24true
- 38false
- 41false
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Answer : 2. "4"
Explanation :
Expl:- In budget 2014-15 the percent of G.D.P was 4.1 of fiscal deficit. But in 2015-16 its percent becomes 3.9% of fiscal deficit.
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Answer : 3. "human values, art and culture"
Q:Direction: In the given statement some words have been highlighted. These words may not be at the correct place making the sentence grammatically and contextually incorrect. Choose the option which represents the correct sequence of words, which will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. If the sentence is correct as it is choose ‘E’ i.e. ‘No rearrangement required’ as your answer.
Regular exercise can help boost (A) stress levels, lead (B) your chances of appetite control and reduce (C) to significant weight loss.
303 064d9f637462ecdc3adac33c0
64d9f637462ecdc3adac33c0- 1CBAfalse
- 2BCAfalse
- 3CABtrue
- 4ACBfalse
- 5No rearrangement requiredfalse
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Answer : 3. "CAB "
Q:Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.
(A) a press conference in Ottawa,
(B) on family members, study permit
(C) holders, and people entering on compassionate grounds
(D) as announced at
(E) Canada is planning to ease travel restrictions
302 064d9e704462ecdc3adac0792
64d9e704462ecdc3adac0792(B) on family members, study permit
(C) holders, and people entering on compassionate grounds
(D) as announced at
(E) Canada is planning to ease travel restrictions
- 1DEABCfalse
- 2DBCAEfalse
- 3DAEBCtrue
- 4DABECfalse
- 5DCAEBfalse
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Answer : 3. "DAEBC"
Q: Which state government approved the service sector policy in September 2023?
302 06508435097eeaa0642ef47d8
6508435097eeaa0642ef47d8- 1Uttarakhandtrue
- 2Gujratfalse
- 3Tamil Nadufalse
- 4Rajasthanfalse
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Answer : 1. "Uttarakhand"
Explanation :
1. The Service Sector Policy has been made under the chairmanship of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami.
2. Through this policy, a target has been set to create 20 lakh employment opportunities and skill development of 10 lakh workers in Uttarakhand.